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HaBox Rewards!

Everyone always gets the first box, with the mirror sticker chart & timer because these are the foundations on which we build our dental habits. Each subsequent box has new things in there (always toothbrush & toothpaste) but we change the other items to help out with a different element of taking care of children’s teeth.

For children between the ages of 1 & 7, the contents of their HaBoxes changes slightly every time. This is to keep them interested & excited but also to make your life easier! This changes every 3 months, and only our existing subscribers have access to this. 

One of life's best feelings is when your child squeals with excitement. It can be anything, right? They find out they're having their favourite meal for tea and they jump for joy (what would it take for us decaying adults to feel this level of joy?), you’ve surprised them with a playdate, or let them stay up late. 

Your next HaBox is an extension of this theme, helping your children see that sugar isn't the only reward worth having!

  1. Habox Reward Jar
  2. Reward ideas & HaBox sugar hacks leaflet 
  3. Cut out & keep reward tokens for your reward jar!

We make sure each box is great value for money, as we know how tight things are at the moment, and we want to make sure that children grow up totally invested in their dental health!

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